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Cahill 1909
Cahill-Keyes 1975 |
Presenting the Cahill-Keyes 1º GlobeWorld's first and only Earth-globe drawn with a one-degree graticule (Designed by Gene Keyes; produced by Joe Roubal as a third C-K prototype) |
Why? To show that the Cahill-Keyes one-degree
"Real World" map (second image below) bears a high-fidelity resemblance to a globe —
especially this one-degree globe — : point for point, geocell for geocell,
continent for continent, octant for octant.
(See also "Geocells and the Megamap".)
To view this image at half-size, click in it once. To restore full size, click twice. Gene Keyes holding his Cahill-Keyes 1° globe. Photo by Mary Jo Graça. |
To view this image at half-size, click in it once. To restore full size, click twice. |