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Placide Capeau de Roquemaure 1847
New translation, Gene Keyes
2001, 2008 |
New translation, Gene Keyes
2001, 2008 |
John Sullivan Dwight
1855 |
Cantique de Noël 1 Minuit, Chrétiens, c’est l’heure solennelle Où l’homme Dieu descendit jusqu’à nous. Pour effaccer la tache originelle, Et de son Père arrêter le courroux. Le monde entier tressaille d’espérance, A cette nuit qui lui donne un Sauveur! Peuple_à genoux! Attends ta délivrance! Noël!__ Noël! Voi__ci le Rédempteur! Noël! Noël!__ Voi__ci le Rédempteur! 2 De notre foi que la lumière ardente Nous guide tous au berceau de l'enfant. Comme autrefois une étoile brillante Y conduisuit les chefs de l’Orient. Le Roi des rois naît dans une humble crèche; Puissants du jour, fiers de votre grandeur, A votre orgueil c’est de là qu’un Dieu préche; Courbez___ vos fronts de-__vant le Rédempteur! Courbez vos fronts__ de-__vant le Rédempteur! 3 La Rédempteur a brisé tout entrave, La terre es libre et la ciel est ouvert. Il voit un frère où n’était qu’un esclave; L’amour unit ceux qu’enchainait le fer. Qui lui dira notre reconnaissance? C’est pour nous tous qu’il nait, qu’il souffre et meurt. Peuple debout__, chante ta délivrance! Noël!__ Noël! chan__tons le Rédempteur! Noël! Noël!___ chan__tons le Rédempteur! |
Canticle Noel 1 Midnight, ye Christians, ‘tis the solemn hour___, When unto us God incarnate descends. Sins to erase, he has it in his power, And to his father help us make amends. A thrill of hope the world is comprehending Tonight a Savior given as foretold! Fall on your knees! Deliverance is pending! Noel!__ Noel! The Redeemer now behold! Noel! Noel!__ The Redeemer now behold! 2 From our__ faith we find a light so ardent Which guides us all to the babe's manger nest. As long ago there was a brilliant star sent To lead the Magi of East toward the west. The King of Kings appears in humble reaches; To you who pride your powers of the day: Truth, not conceit, is what the one God preaches; So bow__ your heads; the Redeemer shows the way! So bow your heads;__ the Redeemer shows the way! 3 All of our shackles the Redeemer smashes The land is free and at last heaven reigns. He sees a brother, not the slave with lashes Such love unites those who shake off their chains. How do we show him our appreciation? For us he’s born and suffers death to bring: Freedom for all! Now rise for celebration! Noel!__ Noel! The Redeemer hears us sing! Noel! Noel!__ The Redeemer hears us sing! |
Kantik de Noel’
Meznokt’, kristanoj, estas hor’ solena; Malsupreniras la homforma Di’. Pekojn forigi, estos li postena, Kaj por mildigi la Patron pro ni. La tuta mondo vibras de espero; Ĉi nokt’ Savanton donas Di’ el kor’! Falu genuen! Preta por libero! Noel’!__ Noelo!__ Jen, la redemptor’! Noel’! Noel _ o__ ! Jen, la redemptor’! 2 De nia fid’ la lumo tiom arda Al infanet' en lulil' gvidas nin. For iam longe estis stelo garda Kaj ĝi kondukis la magojn al fin’. La Reĝ de reĝoj kia aĉapero Al vi Moŝtuloj de la pov’ kaj or’: Memfierecon venkos Di’ per vero. Kliniĝu la frunt’ an__ taŭ La Redemptor! Kliniĝu la__ frunt’ antaŭ La Redemptor! 3 La Redemptor’ frakasas katenarojn: Libera lando; malferma ĉiel’. Li vidas fratojn, ne la ekssklavarojn; Kunamas tiuj de fer’ forŝancel’. Alttakson por li, ĉu ni povas montri? Pro ni li naskis kaj suferis por: Liberigad’! Stariĝu pro demonstri! Noel’!__ Noel’! Kantu por la Redemptor’! Noel’! Noel’!__ Kantu por la Redemptor’! |
O Holy Night 1 O holy night, the stars are brightly shining; It is the night of the dear savior's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining ‘Till He appear’d and the soul felt its worth. A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn! Fall on your knees! Oh hear the angel voices! O night_ divine, O_ night when Christ was born! O night, O ho__ly__ night O night divine! 2 Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming With glowing hearts by his cradle we stand. So, led by light of a star sweetly gleaming, Here came the wise men from Orient land. The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger, In all our trials born to be our friend; He knows our need,_to our weakness is no stranger Behold__ your King! Be__ fore Him lowly bend! Behold your King!__ Be__fore Him lowly bend! 3 Truly He taught us to love one another. His law is love and his gospel is peace. Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother, And in His name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, Let all with in us praise his holy name; Christ is the Lord, O praise His name forever! His pow’r__ and glory__ ever more proclaim! His pow’r and glo__ry__ ever more proclaim! |
Translations / Tradukoj |
For another Esperanto translation, by Haruo Ros' [Leland Ross Bryant], based on Dwight's English, click here. That page also has one verse translated from the French. | Por alia traduko, de Haruo Ros' [Leland Ross Bryant], el la Angla de Dwight, kliku ĉi tie. Tiu paĝo ankaŭ havas unu strofon tradukita el la Franca. |
Additional links: A set of 148 online Christmas carols in Esperanto by Leland Ross Bryant [Haruo Ros’] is currently being relocated to another website; new link ASAP. Meanwhile, it can be found in the Internet Archive: • Douglas D. Anderson A Treasury of Christmas Carols Over 2,800 Christmas carols and hymns. Aldonaj ligiloj: Aro de 148 surretaj Kristnask-karoloj en Esperanto de Leland Ross Bryant [Haruo Ros’] nun transloĝas al alia retloko; nova ligilo kiam havebla. Dumtempe ĝi estas trovebla je la Interreta Arkivo: • Douglas D. Anderson A Treasury of Christmas Carols Pli ol 2,800 Kristnask-karoloj kaj himnoj. |
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